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Attacks 1 opponent with [130% ATK] and recovers HP by [50% of the inflicted DMG]. Increases Rage level by 2 if self's HP is above 50% when the Hero attacks.
Attacks all opponents with [130% ATK]. If the target has [DEF Decrease], inflicts additional DMG with [30% ATK].
Attacks all opponents with [120% ATK] and uses up all Rage level to inflict [50% of Additional DMG] per Rage level 1.
10% ATK and 10% Crit Hit DMG boost Hero Lv. 95: 10% Charyuk Boost
Hero Lv. 100: Recovers 2 Mana when using 3-chain skill
Hero Lv. 105: Accumulatively boosts Light Attribute allies' [10% Crit Hit DMG] during the battle when using a Chain Skill. (Up to 40%)
Increases Rage level by 1 and accumulatively boosts 5% ATK (up to 30%) when being hit. (Activated once per a chain skill used)