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Premium boss debuffer
Can lower enemy defense via S2 active
Gains self defense buff after attacking
Burst skill greatly increases the damage the enemy takes
Defense buff only activates after 100 attacks
Poor in long range combat
Her special debuff takes 500 shots to activate
Novel is a SSR Defender character that uses a Sub Machine Gun as a weapon in Nikke - Goddess of Victory.
Novel is a boss debuffing specialist that excels in longer battles. Her entire kit is designed around buffing her own defense to tank long enough and survive while attacking up to 500 times to fully stack her special debuff to greatly increase the damage an enemy target takes.
This special debuff once stacked fully, will allow all your allies to do massive damage. She is a great addition in raid boss mode, where you team up with other players thanks to this debuff.
For normal story mode, she isn't necessary in non boss battles, but she is still decent for general PvE purposes.