Lost Relic Locations Chapter 10 [Goddess of Victory: Nikke]

Lost Relic Locations Chapter 10 [Goddess of Victory: Nikke]
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Welcome to the simple guide for the lost relic locations for chapter 10! We will provide all the individual hidden spots so it can help you get them without much trouble! Please do check out Keribib0i’s channel, he/she does great coverage for video formats.

The first location is just directly at the bottom corner. Inspect it for a Call Log 028594 (2:49PM).

The second location is slightly on the right side corner as well within range. Inspect the right corner for the music Jukebox “AREA:H”.

From the second location, hug the corner to and move to the right and search for the location just before the bridge. You will find 2500 credits.

After this, head north and turn left to inspect the middle of the small building. You will find the Victory Wings Blueprint.

For the fifth location, head directly right to the tornado is at search for the corner. You will find Letters from Girlfriend – To.J (1).

To get to the sixth location, head back right and down past the white switch. Inspect the nearby corner to find Letters from Girlfriend – To.J (2).

From the sixth location, head down further south and go west on the first intersection. Look at the corner bush on the right side and you will find General Gymnasium Blueprint.

Directly north of the previous location, you will find the music Jukebox “Khamsin”.

Now backtrack to the east and head further down south a second white switch. Inspect the right corner of this towering sand gate. You will get 2500 credits.

From the towering sand gate, head eastwards and inspect the first right corner. You will Letters from Girlfriend – To.J (3).

For the eleventh location, head northeast until you come to a sandy hill corner. Search the right side for the music Jukebox “Take My MONEY!!”.

For the final location, head directly south to the bottom corner and find Call Log 028594 (11:39AM).

With all lost relics in Chapter 10 completed, you can now head over to the outpost to build your 2 new buildings, the Victory Wings and General Gymnasium building. Also, don’t forget to collect the extra gems you get from the music Jukebox and Lost Relic sections.

For those interested in the playing Goddess of Victory: Nikke in beautiful landscape mode, you can find out how so here.

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